Monday, November 21, 2011

Some Responses to My Last Entry

I received a few replies to my inquiry on my personal Facebook page when I linked the blog post there. I figured I'd share them and see if they spark any other interesting ideas!

Stephen Garratt, a 35 year-old non-writing male from Virginia, stated
Guess it depends on why you don't like it. If it's just not the genre or style you prefer, I'd say read with a critical eye, look for grammar mistakes and other things that someone more "absorbed" might overlook. Then you can give impartial and constructive feedback. Now if you just think it is poorly written, that's the same quandary everyone faces when asked for "honesty" and my answer is usually "lie nicely."
Marge Perko, a writer in her 20s from California, stated:
First, ask the writer what he or she needs from the feedback session. Be specific - does he or she want to go over dialogue, the flow of a certain scene, etc. By asking the writer to narrow down the focus of the feedback session, you can concentrate on details and be constructive TOGETHER. If it is a genre/topic you are not familiar with, you can be honest and say "I'm not usually a fan of/a reader of (genre).
Anyways, what I was trying to say was: set your parameters early. Writers groups and sessions can be very professional, supportive encounters. Good luck - and congrats again on hitting your writing goals!
So, what say you?!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Reading Writer's Review Dilemma

So, I've been thinking. Yes, this is a dangerous pastime indeed!

I have made several writer/author friends via Twitter — which is exciting because everyone's really amazingly supportive and I've made some good 'close' friends even though we mainly keep in contact through tweets. But this has made me think, as I continue to read a book that I've been meaning to read for a while and just haven't had the chance. Of course, this writer isn't my friend (she's a bestselling author — you know, one with books that B&N makes an entire end-cap out of), though she is among my favorites, and I do follow her on Twitter ... but I digress ...

My dilemma is that I'm not really liking what I'm reading right now. Of course, I could get sucked in at any moment and the entire novel could end up being quite lovely. But overall, not my favorite. That happens, I know.

BUT, what happens when I read the hard work of someone whom I do consider a friend and have been corresponding with , and I don't like it?! It hasn't happened to me yet, thank God. I haven't read any of my published friends' works for a few reasons and this dilemma is among them. If I read, and they will know I'm reading, they're going to want to know what I think. Then I get worried I won't think too highly of it and, even in my nicest most constructive form of criticism (which I still hate to give), make them upset/angry with me for not particularly caring for it.

So, what gives? What do ya' do?

My plan of action, should this occur, is be as nice and professional and as constructive as possible — besides, just because it's not my cup of tea doesn't mean that it's not the next bestseller or another person's soon-to-be favorite — and let the chips fall where they may.

What experiences has everyone had with this sort of thing? Good one, bad ones, some as big as your head ...

Wait, wrong train of thought ...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I wish I could do some kind of give away or something, LOL. I hit 50,000 words tonight in my current work in progress: (working title) "realm i" — book one of two of a YA Fantasy duo. I think (and that's a big 'think') that I have about 1/4 of the way to go. So that's, what, another 12,500 words (essentially)? Then I know of two scenes that I skipped over and need to write and insert.

Then comes the hard part: editing, slashing, writing, and REwriting!

On the one hand, I'm looking forward to this, because I will at least have the book finished, which I feel is a huge accomplishment considering I've been working on this series for the better part of 9 years, since 2002. I haven't been working on it constantly, for a number of different reasons, but I'm thrilled to finally be putting in the hours and words and to be nearing completion. Everything is so raw. I can't wait to refine and trim and polish.

And then after I'm done stabbing it with a butcher's knife, I'll pass it along to others who will (lovingly) do the same thing.

And then it's my turn again.

And then hopefully I grow a big pair of cojones, actually write a query letter and submit the work-in-progress turned manuscript to *gasp* an agent!

Cue massive rejections and emotional roller coasters. But maybe one day it'll be my turn. :)

I can only cross my fingers and work them (as well as my butt) off until then!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Oh my goodness. It's almost 2012 ... on the one hand, I can't believe it. On the other — THANK GOD!

I've had so much going on this past year: moving out on my 'own' (well, with my son), doing the whole divorce thing, trying to rediscover who I am, among other things. One of the parts of my 'rediscovering' myself is immersing myself in writing.

I have always been a writer. My family would never see me without a notebook and a pen (usually some odd color like electric blue, hot pink, green, or — my favorite — purple). I've written numerous short stories and random bits of emo poetry, but when I turned 16 I started planning my first novel. Technically it's a two-novel "series". It's taken almost 10 years of off-and-on writing, but I'm very nearly finished with the first book. I'd really like to thank my #Twitter friends for their help and support, it's played a pivotal part in my rededication.

I've recently decided that wasn't working for this blog. I wanted it to be fun and pretty-looking. Wordpress doesn't really have many customization options. So, I hope this is pretty. :D I might change it around a little more — probably just because I can.

I'm looking forward to 2012. This year has been stressful in so many ways ... I'm anxious for a new feel and a fresh beginning. I'm looking forward to when my life begins. ;)