Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I wish I could do some kind of give away or something, LOL. I hit 50,000 words tonight in my current work in progress: (working title) "realm i" — book one of two of a YA Fantasy duo. I think (and that's a big 'think') that I have about 1/4 of the way to go. So that's, what, another 12,500 words (essentially)? Then I know of two scenes that I skipped over and need to write and insert.

Then comes the hard part: editing, slashing, writing, and REwriting!

On the one hand, I'm looking forward to this, because I will at least have the book finished, which I feel is a huge accomplishment considering I've been working on this series for the better part of 9 years, since 2002. I haven't been working on it constantly, for a number of different reasons, but I'm thrilled to finally be putting in the hours and words and to be nearing completion. Everything is so raw. I can't wait to refine and trim and polish.

And then after I'm done stabbing it with a butcher's knife, I'll pass it along to others who will (lovingly) do the same thing.

And then it's my turn again.

And then hopefully I grow a big pair of cojones, actually write a query letter and submit the work-in-progress turned manuscript to *gasp* an agent!

Cue massive rejections and emotional roller coasters. But maybe one day it'll be my turn. :)

I can only cross my fingers and work them (as well as my butt) off until then!


  1. 50,000 is a great accomplishment. I have done it only once and it was a goof off story for Nanowrimo.

    I have been growing a story in my head and in loose notes now for a few months and my goal today is to get the entire novel plotted (loosely) so that I can pound out the words in rapid fire style.

    I look forward to following your process with this novel!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement! Good luck with your planning. Sometimes I get so caught up in the outline stage that it takes me for-ev-ver to start writing! I'm a details freak, lol.

    Keep me posted!
